The Secret Origin of DC Comics
Hermes Press presents DC Comics Before Superman: Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson’s Pulp Comics featuring reprints of rarely seen comics based on the Major’s pulp stories. A historical essay provides an in depth look at the formation of National Allied Publications created by Wheeler-Nicholson, which would go on to become DC Comics. The legendary Jim Steranko (Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.) provides the Foreword. Titles included in this historical reprint include Barry O’Neill and Fang Gow (script- Wheeler-Nicholson; art- Leo O’Mealia), Blood Pearls (script- Wheeler-Nicholson; art- Munson Paddock), Foe of the Borgias (script- Wheeler-Nicholson; art- Sven Elven), The Golden Dragon (script- Wheeler-Nicholson; art- Tom Hickey) and more!

Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson was a distinguished military officer. Visionary and Inventor. Prolific writer of adventure stories and comic scripts. Publisher. Began publishing comic books in 1934. Founded DC Comics. Gave Siegel and Shuster, creators of Superman, their start. After 70 years, the Major, as he was known to his friends and colleagues, was honored at San Diego ComicCon 2008 and received an Eisner Award from the industry he founded.