Read All About It
After experiencing the low-level tactics used against him in 1938 to force him into bankruptcy and take his company, DC Comics, out from under him, the Major in stiff upper lip manner, refused to ever mention it again, believing in the adage that one day the rascals would get what was coming to them… BI (Before the Internet) information was scattered in a newspaper here and a magazine there and often unavailable. News did not rocket around at the speed of light becoming viral in nature. It never occurred to the Major that one day all the misinformation and half-truths and insinuations about him would be almost the only things that remained of his legacy.
Thanks to the work of some of the artists, writers and comic book and pulp historians listed below the true story of the Major’s legacy is becoming more widely known.
Comics Scholarship and Anecdotal History
Much of the history of comics until recently is a repetition of what scholars refer to as anecdotal evidence–great stories we all love. However some of them might be a bit enhanced for dramatic effect or may be skewed by axes the teller has to grind. That’s why academic scholarship and detailed research are important to add to all the fun stories from early pioneers in the genre. Much of what was known about the Major falls under the category of anecdotal evidence and that’s why the following books are good reads towards learning the facts of the Major’s life.