We had a great time on Saturday at Storefront Artist Project in spite of the crazy weather. It was a small but select crowd and Howard Cruse was his usual engaging and generous self to the young fans who were there. I was fascinated by one young man who follows the artists’ work more than the particular comics story. That’s a pretty sophisticated way to look at comics. I don’t think anyone from my generation who grew up with comics would even think of such a thing. It’s indicative to me of a greater respect for the work of individual artists who contribute to the medium and that’s as it should be.

Storefront Artist Project: Cartoon and Comic Art Come Alive
Speaking of super heros Lawrence Klein has done his own version of heroics with this month’s amazing programming at Storefront Artist Project: Cartoon and Comic Art Come Alive. The entire month has been jam-packed with activities featuring major comic books artists, all of it free, kid friendly and accessible to a diverse population. Scott Hanna’s drawings have been in the gallery at 124 Fenn St. in Pittsfield all month and they are beautiful. Next Saturday night is the closing reception from 6-8 pm and Scott will be on hand again so if you haven’t seen this exhibit and you want to meet Scott be sure and go.

Stuck Rubber Baby by Howard Cruse
I was excited to learn that my friend Howard Cruse’s graphic novel, Stuck Rubber Baby is being reissued by Vertigo, DC Comics line of “comics and books for mature readers.” Congratulations, Howard. It’s about time. This is a grown-up tale and it’s one of the best graphic novels I’ve ever read with the most beautifully crafted artwork. If you see it in your local bookstore or in all the usual places grab it. It’s a keepsake. Jump over to Howard’s blog to learn more.

Blackjack, an African-American Action Hero as created by Alex Simmons
And finally with that last sip of coffee, Alex Simmons is over at GraphicNovelReporter for a guest spot. Alex is one of the good guys in comics who tirelessly supports getting kids back into the comics world, using comics as a way to teach kids to read through things like workshops and Kids Comic Con which he created. Alex also writes for Archie comics and he has created Blackjack whom I just discovered and is now one of my favorite characters. You won’t be sorry to check out whatever Alex is doing because it’s always thoughtful and entertaining. Jump over to GraphicNovelReporter before you finish that coffee. See you later.