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My Comic Book Life, Part 2: I Discover Derring Doers

It's Operation Lois Lane this week at New York Comic Con. That will be me cosplaying as Lois Lane. I'll be in disguise as mild-mannered Nicky. My very first Comic Con was San Diego Comic Con in 2008 when my grandfather, Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson was inducted into the Eisner Hall of Fame forty three years [...]

By |2017-11-25T23:42:38-08:00October 7th, 2014|Family History|Comments Off on My Comic Book Life, Part 2: I Discover Derring Doers

My Comic Book Life: Part 1, The Lay of the Land

I’ve been on a quest for about 16 years researching my grandfather, Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson’s life and work. In the halls of the Court of Comic Book Land I've encountered Courtiers who would flatter one out of the few gold pieces held. I crossed swords with an Evil Wizard who is still lurking about. And I [...]

By |2017-11-25T23:45:10-08:00September 25th, 2014|Family History|Comments Off on My Comic Book Life: Part 1, The Lay of the Land

How I Spent My Summer–Part 1: Who are Your People?

In comic books it’s always good to start with the origin story so let's begin at the beginning of Major Malcolm Wheeler Nicholson’s life in Greeneville, Tennessee and his schooling at Manlius Military Academy in upstate New York. Most of the time I feel like a detective searching for clues and a lot of times [...]

By |2017-11-25T22:43:08-08:00August 11th, 2011|Family History|Comments Off on How I Spent My Summer–Part 1: Who are Your People?

Funny Business

Almost everyone is in agreement that the Major was not a good businessman. I'm not necessarily buying that. Especially after laboring through the legal documents (600 legal pages) concerning the takeover of MWN's publishing business by Donenfeld and Liebowitz. Thanks to a good friend who is a retired Federal attorney we have gone through all [...]

By |2017-11-23T21:38:18-08:00June 15th, 2011|Family History|1 Comment

Let’s all eat cake

Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson was born January 7, 1890 marking this year, 2011 as the 121st anniversary of his birth. He often listed his place of birth as Greeneville, Tennessee, the county seat of Greene County in East Tennessee. More than likely he was born at home in the Jonesborough/Johnson City area some 30 or so miles [...]

By |2017-11-24T23:54:52-08:00January 6th, 2011|Family History|3 Comments

Family Business

My three Wheeler-Nicholson aunts were all attractive women with intelligence and good taste and a manner of living each in their own unique way that our grandmother, Elsa referred to as panache. The second sibling of the five, Aunt Marianne, who died in 1986, was an elegant and gracious woman, an interior designer who had [...]

By |2017-11-26T22:48:26-08:00June 28th, 2010|Family History|Comments Off on Family Business

Nancy Drew and the Case of the Moldy Papers

What is it that drives us to search for ourselves in the photos and stories of our ancestors? I've always loved detective stories from the time I was a little girl in Mobile, Alabama. I would take the younger siblings and ride the bus downtown on Saturday mornings and we'd go to the movies for [...]

By |2017-11-26T22:16:17-08:00August 28th, 2009|Family History|2 Comments

The Chateau at Vic-sur-Aisnes

Editor's note: This post is continued from the previous one. Once uncle Finn and I arrived in Vic-sur-Aisnes we headed straight to the gates of the chateau. Everything appeared to be closed and Finn told me that he was concerned that we might not be able to get in. However, after years of chasing the [...]

By |2017-11-28T20:59:19-08:00August 14th, 2009|Family History|Comments Off on The Chateau at Vic-sur-Aisnes

Castles in the Air

When I was growing up in the early 50's in the Gulf Coastal town of Mobile, Alabama it was a little shabby and run-down at the heels. There wasn't a lot of money floating about due to the poverty that had been entrenched in the south for a long time so my childhood still retained [...]

By |2017-11-26T22:00:16-08:00August 10th, 2009|Family History|Comments Off on Castles in the Air


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