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Happy 125th Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson

Happy 125th Birthday to my grandfather Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, soldier, writer of adventure stories and novels and founder of DC Comics. What does it mean to inherit the legacy of a man who lived a life of adventure and unbelievable creativity all the while maintaining his dignity and grace under fire at various points in [...]

By |2017-11-25T23:35:54-08:00January 8th, 2015|Family History|2 Comments

What’s up?

Warner Brothers announced that they were taking control of DC Comics and renaming it DC Entertainment. Or as the headline stated from ComicMix, "Warner Brothers Gobbles up DC." I can only guess at the reasons, the obvious one being all the recent movies featuring comic book characters. According to the announcement, Paul Levitz who has [...]

By |2017-11-26T22:37:48-08:00October 23rd, 2009|DC Comics|Comments Off on What’s up?


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